Each Joy masseuse and masseur is specifically hand picked not only for their outstanding beauty, but also for their elegance, charm, personality, discretion and refined skills. Between the ages of 21 and 30, exceptionally beautiful and each with their own successful careers, they are sensual and erotic and they take great pleasure in pursuit of the ancient spiritual and intoxicating refined sensation of a Joy Massage at Sydney.

Each masseuse chosen by Joy comes to us highly qualified and skilled. Joy hones this skill! Under expert guidance and full training they learn the way of Joy erotica. As soon as she or he steps through your door, you will totally relax and feel truly comfortable in their presence with the anticipation and excitement of the delights to come.

We will be happy to email you pictures of our delicious masseuses if you wish to see them to decide which one or two will intoxicate you. But if you are having trouble in picking your beauty, call us now or book online to speak with our warm and friendly operator, she will help you make your unique choice.